Monday, November 26, 2007

Follow the Yellow Brick Road

So the Aussies finally drank the kool-aid and took the hard-left turn. Frankly, I’m surprised it took them this long.
Taking the liberal tack is really the effortless, gutless choice. It requires no intellectual heavy lifting. As long as it feels right and you think that you are helping out the facts are irrelevant. Good intentions, not results are the yardstick for success. Just look at the War on Poverty beginning in the 1960's in the U.S.A. Before this war most black families were intact and pillars of family and faith. With progressive welfare policies and trillions of dollars we succeeded in decimating black society. Thousands of young black men have died in their youth, lying in pools of their own blood on inner-city streets. Millions of babies have been aborted and millions born into impoverished single-mother 'families.' Generations have been locked into this cycle of poverty, misery and death. But these facts don't sway the liberal mind. They meant to help and thought that they were, so they feel oh so good about themselves. The actual results be hanged. Maybe we just need more money and more time. Liberalism is so easy. As Ronald Reagan remarked, it's born of a good heart and a misguided mind. The liberal looks so glamorous in the beginning, but the conservative is not vindicated until the end when no one is watching and no one remembers the liberal way back at the start. The liberal has since moved on to the next popular issue.
So, signing the Kyoto Protocols on global warming and pulling out of Iraq are now the top issues defining the Australian political scene. Well, that puts them in line with all of the other clueless, non-productive countries of the West. If the United States takes that tack next year who will be left to pull our collective chestnuts out of the fire when the insane Muslim throat slashers start pouring over our non-existent borders? Stalin couldn’t have hoped to pull this off so well. Without a shot being fired we go out with a whimper not a bang. Something about giving us enough rope. Ah well, just listen to the wizard and everything will be OK.

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