Thursday, September 23, 2010

Freak Show

How did it come to pass that those of us who understand and respect our national history and founding, who respect the rule of law, who respect and obey the Constitution and who believe in personal freedom and liberty have come to be vilified in the mainstream media and political establishment as wacko, radical, extreme, fringe kooks and nuts? All the while those who reject our history, flaunt the rule of law, ignore the Constitution and would restrict personal freedom and liberty are heralded as the true American patriots and the only rational thinkers and rulers in our society. The world is turned upside down. Right is now wrong, good is now bad and up is now down. What is the allure of such bastardized thinking?
I believe that it derives from the natural human tendency to envy those who have more or better than you and a desire for them to improve their lot at your expense without going through the traditional and time-consuming route of education and long, hard work. Our education establishment in cahoots with the media and political establishments have conditioned people to assume victim status if they don't have enough stuff. They have taught people to demand entitlements which are nowhere guaranteed in the Constitution. This gnawing class envy mentality is dragging down our whole society and economy. Political opportunists gladly seize on this tension to empower themselves by promising free largess to millions of disgruntled citizens; buying their votes with hand-outs. William F. Buckley, Jr. once remarked that when the middle class discovers that they can vote themselves goodies from the public treasury the republic is doomed. How close are we to that prophecy?
The Constitution was written to try to protect these eventualities from coming to pass. Unfortunately, when those in power gleefully ignore the dictates of the this, the Supreme Law of the Land and We the People seem to have no recourse to force their compliance (two hundred years of elections and the problem is only growing worse); what are we to do to save the republic? We don't seem to be keeping it very well Mr. Franklin. Do we really want to become one of those creaky, rusty insolvent European socialist countries? Just look around, they don't work!
The people, the states and state governments must reassert their rightful authority over the federal monster and reinstate the Constitution! Now!

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