Saturday, March 19, 2011

Bread & Circuses

"The FCC demanded that CenturyLink Inc. offer low-income households broadband for $10 per month and computers for $150, and double the number of homes and businesses that can get fast broadband, with speeds of 12 megabits per second or more." --Colorado Springs Gazette, Saturday, March 19, 2011
Just who the hell is the FCC?!  A bunch of unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats acting unconstitutionally.  They don't have this power or authority, and frankly neither does the Congress.  And the Congress certainly can't delegate these kinds of powers.  What is the controlling legal authority here?  And please don't insult my intelligence by dragging out the Interstate Commerce Clause!  That is the most lame, pathetic and moronic justification you people always fall back on.  Give me a million breaks!
Secondly,  under the Fourteenth Amendment equal protection clause, if you are going to (for the sake of argument, even though it is actually unconstitutional) give some citizens certain benefits you must extend those same benefits to all U.S. citizens equally.  To not do so is to illegally create different classes of citizens with different rights and privileges, something that cannot occur under our constitution.
I am serious as a heart attack about all of this.  This is what the Tea Party is all about.  Returning to the legal, legitimate federal powers enumerated in the Constitution; and nothing more.  This would eliminate about 70% of federal spending immediately.  Good!  We will prevail, just you watch and see!

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