Sunday, May 22, 2011

Someone PLEASE Turn ON the Lights!

A government that has the power to dictate your light bulb choices and to compel you to buy health insurance has the power to control, regulate and dictate every aspect of your life.  Is this what the Pilgrim’s loaded into the Mayflower, crossed a merciless sea and faced an unknown world of harsh conditions and menacing savages for?  Seriously, this is why they came to the New World?  Our Founders fought off the tyrannical yoke of King George just so that they could regulate trans-fats?  The men who wrote the Declaration of Independence, won a revolutionary war and then established a constitutional republic had a healthy distrust of strong centralized government power and an unwavering respect for religious freedom, personal property and individual liberty.  The current administration has demonstrated an insatiable appetite to regulate and dictate every aspect of our personal lives in direct violation of their responsibilities and constraints as clearly outlined in the Constitution.  They seek to circumvent the constitutional limits placed upon their power by imposing myriads of extra-legal rules and regulations and fines through bureaucracies and agencies which have no legislative authority.  They command people and businesses through intimidation, confusion, complexity, threats, fear and bluffs.  They demean and disparage people who cling to the actual wording and intent of the Constitution.  These people are called hicks and hayseeds and throwbacks and outdated anachronisms.  The Constitution is referred to as either a living, breathing document subject to endless reinterpretation by liberal, activist judges to mean whatever is expeditious to their cause at the moment; or an old, dead document written by dead white men in an old language that no one today can understand which might have meant something 200 years ago, but is without relevance today.  They completely ignore the fact that the framers understood this evolutionary reality and provided the amendment process just for this eventuality.  Wisely, the framers made this process just difficulty enough that it could not be employed for capricious, fleeting fads of the day.  But this is just too inconvenient for the libs.  Better and quicker to have judges impose dictates and legislate from the bench.  Let’s face it, to the Obama administration, the Constitution is nothing more than dirty, used toilet paper.  Such a rogue administration, in the interest of promoting ‘The General Welfare,’ will try to impose any and every possible progressive policy and program upon a nearly helpless populace.  Under this tyranny abortion is celebrated but you go to jail if you kill an endangered mouse or cut down a tree on your own property without a government permit.  Here’s what’s coming, mark my words.  You must drive a hybrid car and let us control the thermostat on your home furnace.  It’s now illegal to buy Edison’s light bulb, instead you must use the expensive one with the funny glow that blows up and spews mercury all over your kids.  If they can’t get Cap and Trade environmental legislation through Congress, no problem just instruct E.P.A. to enact it as a regulation and presto!, Al Gore’s carbon credit business takes off.  You can still buy cigarettes (they need the tax revenue, and hey, most libs smoke), but you can’t smoke anywhere, including your own car or house.  You can still buy booze (tax revenue again, and who can forget Ted Kennedy?) and now marijuana, but not trans-fats, Happy Meals or salt (unless you’re Barack and Michelle Obama, ribs anyone?).  Coke or Pepsi, we’ll decide for you.  If you’re a Christian (and yes, most of our Founders really were) keep it in the church and keep your mouth shut about it and keep your shirts and crosses out of the schools, work places, public parks, government buildings and proceedings and Friday night high school football games.  The government will dictate to G.M. (Government Motors) how many Volts to build and then when no one buys them they will regulate gasoline cars out of existence.  Oh you don’t have to give up your car, but they will just regulate the domestic oil industry out of existence and drive up the price of gasoline until no one can afford it.  They refuse to enforce our borders and sovereignty and then arrest our border agents when they shoot drug-running illegals in the butt.  We the people wind up paying for housing and transportation and food and medical care for illegals who break our immigration laws, come here and take our jobs.  Then, instead of prosecuting and deporting these illegal invaders, this administration wants to reward them with amnesty and a fast-track to citizenship (thereby guaranteeing a new voting block of entitlement-driven supporters).  This administration is printing and borrowing money, spending and racking up debt at a dizzying and unprecedented rate, almost certainly guaranteeing national insolvency, collapse of our currency and runaway inflation.  They are systematically taking over our health care system, thereby controlling one-sixth of our economy and having control over beginning and end-of-life issues for population control and meeting financial targets.  Is there any evidence that anyone in government knows more or is better at managing our health care industry that those people actually working in the industry every day?  No!  Where is the evidence, what is the track record?  Medicare is broke.  Medicaid is broke.  Social Security is broke.  They dictate to banks to make bad loans and then when the banks fail the feds step in, bail them out and take over the mortgage banks and the loans.  Guess what, the federal government now owns most loans (and homes) in America.  Gee that’s comforting.  There is no nook or cranny of your life safe from this marauding band of control freaks.  There is a word that describes this type of government-industry complex:  fascism.  Don’t flip out, I am not saying that Barack Obama is Adolph Hitler, but his policies are fascist pure and simple.  For some reason he hates the way this country is structured and is dead-set on ‘transforming’ America.  He has elevated class warfare and racism and religious intolerance to new levels.  He is the most un-American and anti-American President I believe that we have ever had in office.  Nobody had ever heard of this guy and he had never done or accomplished anything before George Soros catapulted him onto the national stage with all of that ‘Hope & Change’ and ‘Yes We Can’ baloney.  There is no substance there.  Just promise the masses bread and circuses.  We are at a crucial point in our nation’s history.  If this collective mind-set is allowed to continue running our government and our lives I sincerely believe that the United States of America is doomed.  We must dispatch this evil administration and all of its minions to the dustbin of history in the next election (sooner if we can get the Congress and Courts to do the right thing) or I fear we face some sort of civil war or see states begin to separate.  Good, hard-working Americans are not going to tolerate this foolishness and live under a boot of tyranny.  Enough is enough.  The line in the sand has been crossed.  May God have mercy upon us all and bless America once again.

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