Monday, November 26, 2012

Will We Survive?

November 25, 2012
To Whomever Has the Courage to Read This:
It has become painfully clear to me that the U.S. Federal Government is not working, and the situation is getting worse.  Dire.  Many would argue that we just need to send better people back to Washington.  Well, we have been sending politicians back there for over 220 years and things are going downhill faster than ever.  It doesn’t really matter whether the Republicans or the Democrats are in charge, the path is downward, and elections have become essentially irrelevant.  Witness unconscionable spending, deficits and debt; mostly for things that the federal government is not even Constitutionally authorized to be spending tax dollars on in the first place.  American Idol, homosexual marriage, legalized marijuana, condoms, abortion and contraception capture the politicians’ attention while terrorism, open borders and voter fraud chip away at our history, heritage and culture.  Nero fiddles while Rome burns.  I have absolutely no faith that the federal government, politicians or political parties will or even can reverse course and fix our problems.  Sadly, I am not even convinced that many accept that there is a problem or really want to do anything about it if they believe there is.  The fiscal cliff is a done deal.  That was sealed many years and many trillions of dollars ago, there is no avoiding it.  It is only a matter of when, not if.  Only cutting several trillion dollars a year from the federal budget (hell, what budget?) in spending would even be a nod toward trying to fix our fiscal fiasco.  Is that going to happen?  Ummm, no, no matter who is in charge. 
Our only hope lies with the States and the People.  How some bottom up solution would be constructed or play out I have no idea.  I do know that short of it though, we are done.  Our future will be one of a bitter, divided, balkanized, bankrupt third world society.  You people up there in Washington are just going through the motions.  No one believes or trusts you anymore.  You have become a joke, a laughingstock, irrelevant.  Your time has passed but you just don’t know it yet.  We are now a post-Constitutional, post-federal government society.  I think more and more we will see States and groups of People striking out to do their own things.  Take ObamaScare, for instance.  No one really believes it is going to work or last.  A lot of people are simply going to ignore it, like doctors in a big way.  We will see cash-only transactions, barter, black markets and off-shore commerce in medicine and most other elements of society become the norm.  This is the brave new world that your policies, both Republican and Democrat have wrought.
I just pray that the People rise up and exert their Constitutional authority over this federal leviathan before it is too late.  May God have mercy upon us all.

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