Monday, October 10, 2016

The Time is Now!

Let’s face the elephant in the room, all three branches of the federal government are operating illegally and unconstitutionally.  All members of the Senate, House, Supreme Court, President, Vice-President, Cabinet and all appointed and employee members of all executive branch agencies should immediately resign.  All executive regulatory agency rules and regulations are not law and not legally constitutionally binding on anyone.  Everyone and all companies should immediately stop obeying them.  As a matter of fact, I don’t know why people continue to pay federal income taxes.  You rape the wealth of this nation through taxation and have put our kids and grandkids in $20T of debt and climbing.  You will not seal the borders, stop illegal aliens from coming in and deport the illegals already here.  You can’t protect and defend us when untold numbers of un-vetted terrorists are pouring across our borders daily. You actually have helped Iran get nuclear weapons. If Hillary Clinton wins the election there is a good chance Texas will secede, probably sparking a Jeffersonian Revolution. The people have had enough of all of you and are done with you all.  An Article V convention might help, but I am not confident that enough State legislatures can be convinced of the dire condition we are in and the measures needed to fix it.  They just don’t seem to care or have the backbones to do it.  The people are going to have to take their government back and impose the Constitution upon it.  God protect us!