Wednesday, August 29, 2007


If this U.S. federal government refuses to enforce and protect our borders, refuses to build the southern border fence, refuses to enforce our immigration laws, imprisons our Border Patrol agents for doing their jobs, allows Mexican trucks to roam unchecked on our highways, allows illegal aliens access to our social and financial resources, refuses to deport illegal aliens, institutes an amnesty program for illegal aliens and institutes a guest worker program for illegal aliens; then this U.S. federal government is derelict in its Constitutional obligations and has broken the Constitutional covenant with the American people. The American people may have no choice but to rise up as we did in the American Revolution and forcibly replace this U.S. federal government and reestablish our U.S. Constitution. I am a peaceful citizen, a father, a husband and a physician. I don’t own a gun—yet. But my patience is worn thin. I hear people talking. May God bless America!

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