Friday, March 14, 2008

Schoolyard Bullies

What has become of adult society that makes it impossible to deal appropriately with children’s behavior? Take three boys in middle school, ages 12-14. One is of mixed racial descent. The other two boys are verbally taunting and ridiculing him. So he puts one in a headlock. There ensues an altercation. What happens? The one child is charged with assault and the other two with racial harassment. All are in court!! Good grief. We hear other stories of 8 year-olds being charged with sexual harassment for playground antics. These kinds of stories go on and on. What has happened to parents, teachers and principals? In the 60’s when I was in grade school, events like these would have resulted in a trip to ‘meet’ with the coach and a call to my parents who would have reinforced the coach’s teaching when I got home. That followed by a round of public apologies to the offended parties. We would have all learned our childhood lessons, moved on and been the better for it. No waste of law enforcement, court and lawyer time and resources. I know what has happened. It’s a combination of baby-boomers and way too many hungry lawyers. Not to mention the wacky parenting principles that came with the narcissistic boomers. I am embarrassed to be counted among that goofball generation. Instead of teaching children right and wrong, good and bad, behavior and consequences; boomers were told not to force values into their children, but rather build their fragile little self-esteem. Wrong! That’s not how the real world works. Unfortunately this cockeyed mindset has carried over into the adult world. Boomers think that they should never have to be offended and that nothing in life should ever hurt. If it does it must be someone’s fault and that person or company must be sued to compensate me for having my delicate sensibilities and self-esteem bruised. Suck it up and get over it! Life hurts and people are rude. Always have been and always will be. God save this country from my generation!

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