Thursday, October 29, 2009

Health Care Debate

The current raging debate about health care is NOT about health care, it’s NOT about health insurance, it’s NOT about how much this bill or that bill will cost, it’s NOT about a public option or co-op’s or opting out, it’s NOT about how many Americans don’t have health insurance vs. access to health care. IT IS about the Constitution, IT IS about Article 1, Section 8 and the specific enumerated powers and constraints upon the Congress, IT IS about repeated Congressional over-reaching, IT IS about the rule of law, IT IS about a republic vs. a democracy, IT IS about States’ and People’s rights, IT IS about the 10th Amendment, IT IS about a line in the sand. This is it, enough is enough. The People have decided to take a stand here and say, “No more!” Our republic may live or die on this issue. Yes, it’s that big.

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