Monday, March 22, 2010

The Morning/Mourning After Bill

In mourning,

I renounce my citizenship in this fascist country of Adolph Obama. He, Pelosi and Reid should be impeached for treason and imprisoned for the willful, blatant violation of the Constitution, the Supreme Law of the Land. Then Congress should be dissolved and a new one elected immediately. We can’t wait until November. As a God-fearing, patriotic American I cannot and will not participate in, subject me and family to and obey this illegal, unconstitutional piece of crap legislation; neither as a citizen, taxpayer or physician. Let it be perfectly clear, the federal government has declared war upon the American people. May God have mercy upon us all and may He preserve a remnant of the Constitution and the Republic so that America may be reconstituted for our posterity at some future time.

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