Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Time to Set Our Compass

All of this talk by RINO's about repealing ObamaScare because it is bad economics or using it as 'foundation' for more tinkering with our health care system totally misses the point and sets us up to be used as 'useful/useless' idiots by the liberal progressives to further their heinous agenda.  ObamaScare must be repealed because it is simply UNCONSTITUTIONAL in toto.  The federal government has absolutely no constitutional authority or power in the arena of health care.  Period.  It's not really complicated.  At this point in time health care policy is strictly a State function.  As it should be.  If the other side wants federal power over health care policy the very first step must be a constitutional amendment.  Let's see them propose that.  And I would throw Medicare and Social Security into the same mix.  I know that the Supreme Court has ruled in that past on those programs, but the court is made of up fallible people, not gods.  And they DO have their own personal political agendas, all of the protestations about objectivity to the contrary not withstanding.  Courts have certainly been overturned by Congress and subsequent courts.  The basis for ruling that these programs are constitutional usually revolves around Congress' taxing authority.  As I have argued prior the power to tax is not synonymous with the power to spend.    The taxing authority is to support the legitimate, constitutional powers of the the federal government.  It is not carte blanche to spend money on anything they darn well desire.  If so, why have Article 1, Section 8 in the Constitution?  This reasoning defies logical thought.  What if Congress raised tax money from all of the citizens and then spent it to hire thugs to break the kneecaps of their political opponents?  They can't do that we would scream, breaking kneecaps is illegal!  Ah, they would reply, we are doing this under our taxing authority.  Say what?!
The Constitution is our fixed point of reference in law and government.  Without it we are not a nation of laws, but rather a nation governed by the whims of men.  This is a recipe for disaster.  And that is where we are headed, and have been for years.  Think of it this way.  In the Christian world the Holy Bible is the fixed point of reference.  It is considered the revealed, inerrant Word of God.  It is not changeable by men.  It is not subject to their interpretation.  If it were, Christianity would not be a religion of God, but rather of pastors.  And that would be a recipe for disasters.  If I can pick up my fixed point of reference and move it, then it's not really a fixed point of reference.  It's not really of much help in troubled times.  What if the North Star kept moving?  How would mariners navigate?  What if the lighthouse on the rocks kept moving?  How many ships would wreck?  When our Constitution is treated like Silly Putty we are adrift in a dangerous sea with no North Star and no lighthouse.  We are rapidly approaching the rocks and don't seem to realize it.
The ends do not justify the means.  We must follow our constitutional dictates if our republic is to survive.  The states are the great laboratories of freedom.  Let them deal with the health care questions and see what works best.  Then other states can duplicate the best programs.
Keep the feds out and freedom and diversity will solve our problems.

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