Thursday, February 07, 2008

Who's Your Daddy?

We make way too big of a fuss over electing a President. You would think that we are selecting a King. Or Queen. No, that would still be a King. Well nevertheless you get the point. How is it that we have come to expect our President to be our daddy, big brother, grandfather, uncle, mother, soldier, statesman, preacher, doctor, teacher, banker and all around best friend? The President's constitutional role is actually rather limited, as is that of the entire federal government really. More akin to a city manager than a potentate. Yes, he should inspire us to greatness and represent the country on the world stage; but not have a plan and a program for every single aspect of our lives. He runs the military, negotiates treaties and enforces the federal laws. He can propose budgets, but taxing and spending bills actually originate in the House. Have you grilled your Congressman on all of the various federal programs and spending priorities to the extent that you have the Presidential candidates? I doubt it. The President really represents the interests of the states, not the people. The Congress represents the people in Washington. His power to affect our daily lives is not that great. Bureaucrats have more power to make us miserable or happy in our everyday lives than the President ever will. And we don't even know who they are. This process has become a farce; nothing more than high comedy. We need to refocus on the right priorities. That would begin with teaching and understanding the Constitution.

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