Monday, June 16, 2008

The Tiger Roars!

Why is Tiger Wood's such a champion? The video clips of him and his father which aired during the U.S. Open talked of mental toughness. Saturday evening at the post-round press conference Tiger was asked about his knee. His short reply was an encyclopedia on success. He simply said, "yeah there's pain, but so what, it's only pain." Champions control their circumstances rather than being controlled by them. For the vast majority of the rest of the world it's just the opposite. Tiger has pain but continues to act according to his plan. His plan was to win the U.S. Open. Knee pain was not going to get him off his plan. The rest of the world has pain and immediately begins to react to the pain and get completely off of their game plan. Their plan now is no longer to win but to try to control the pain. That's why there are so few Tiger's.

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