Monday, July 14, 2008

Don't Shoot Until You See the Whites of Their Eyes

It is sad that the liberals seem more comfortable killing an innocent unborn baby in its mother’s womb than killing terrorists, or even treating them harshly at Gitmo. How reckless and pathetic. They are simply not mature enough to govern. In this dangerous world we must have the resolve to go after terrorists wherever they hide around the world and before they strike us. This means we must be ready to carry out pre-emptive defensive strikes around the globe. Unfortunately the libs think that the term ‘pre-emptive defensive strike’ is an oxymoron. If a bad guy has a gun to my wife’s head and I shoot and kill him before he pulls the trigger I have taken a pre-emptive defensive action. Would the liberals demand that I wait until he pulls the trigger before I shoot? Well, that is no different that terrorists telling the world that they are acquiring weapons of mass destruction and intend to use them against us at the earliest opportunity. We must go to them and kill them first. Simple.

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