Friday, August 01, 2008

Krispy Kreme Krusade

Governor Arnold, a ban on trans-fats? Good grief. There is not a scintilla of evidence that trans-fats harm or kill anyone. However, yesterday people died in California because of alcohol and tobacco, they will die today and they will die tomorrow. Where is the ban on alcohol and tobacco?? I thought not. There is too much money and power politics involved with those. So pick on wimpy trans-fats. They have no lobbyists. Boy this takes courage. Why don't you grow some gonads (destroyed by steroids?) and do the right thing? This is just more of the nanny state run by you girlie men. You are nothing more than a cowardly neo-communist. If I ever come back to your pathetic excuse for a state I am going to bring in tons of trans-fats and walk down the street eating donuts. You gonna' arrest me sheriff? You frauds are eroding our personal freedoms and liberties one by one. But mark my words, you and your ilk's day of reckoning is coming. The people are going to take our country back from the likes of you.

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