Friday, December 19, 2008

Time for Some Comic Relief

In the New York Post of December 18, Cynthia R. Fagen has an article about the just-released college pictures of B.O. Here is a small taste of her reporting:

"...Taken during a 1980 photo shoot by Occidental College pal Lisa Jack, the snapshots show that the freshman was already showing off the quiet confidence of a future president.
"He was very charismatic even then," Jack recalled of the brief encounter at her off-campus Los Angeles apartment.
"He was really cute. What else does a 20-year-old girl remember?" she told Time, which published the rare shots in its year-end issue that names the president-elect 2008's Person of the Year. "He was a little nervous," she said. "You can see he's just posing, initially, and as the shoot goes on, he starts to come out. ..."

Wow, careful Cynthia you may trip over your tongue.
Frankly, I think he looks like Ricky Ricardo. Can you say, babaloo??!!

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