Wednesday, February 18, 2009


I have come to the sad realization that I must foreswear any and all fealty, support, trust, faith, allegiance, respect and recognition of the current United States Presidential Administration and United States Congress, both the House of Representatives and the Senate and the Federal Court System; in short the current alleged United States Federal Government. This decision has not come quickly or without careful consideration. For many years I have firmly believed that the majority of legislation, spending and federal programs have been and remain unconstitutional and illegal under the strict limitations and enumerated powers of the United States Constitution. Repeated elections of new Congresses and Presidential administrations have not remedied the situation and the federal courts have been wholly unwilling to correctly interpret and enforce the supreme laws of the land upon a recalcitrant federal behemoth. What recourse do loyal and patriotic true Americans have? To submit to and recognize such a renegade government merely provides a guise of false legitimacy. I cannot in good conscience be a party to such activity. The election of this current President and Congress has drastically accelerated the dissolution of any illusion of a grounding of the federal government upon the foundation of the Constitution. As witness the move to nationalize private banks, nationalize the automobile manufacturing industry, nationalize the private health care system, nationalize the mortgage industry, nationalize retirement savings accounts in Social Security, abridge First Amendment rights in considering reinstating the so-called Fairness Doctrine, promoting and enabling abortion thus denying constitutional rights to unborn U.S. citizens, attempting to restrict the free exercise of religion in public schools, government institutions and public forums, attempting to restrict Second Amendment gun rights, refusing to defend our borders and sovereignty, refusing to enforce legitimate federal immigration laws and generally usurping the States and People of their retained rights by passing laws, spending money and establishing federal programs for which there is no specific enumerated federal authority or power. Quite simply, the current federal government is illegal and unconstitutional. Not to mention fiscally and morally bankrupt. No doubt, the people who fought to obtain our freedom and established this nation would be horrified to see how subsequent generations of public servants have perverted and bastardized their gift. How shameful and disgraceful. I just pray that we come to our senses and correct the course of our foundering ship of state before we pass the point of no return. Until then, I hold the current federal government in contempt and shall work to reinstate the United States Constitution and a legitimate federal government.

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