Thursday, April 23, 2009

You're Not From Around Here are You?

Is Obama campaign cash quashing eligibility suits?
FEC shows more than $1 million paid to top law firm since election
Posted: April 22, 200910:20 pm Eastern
By Chelsea Schilling© 2009 WorldNetDaily

If there is no issue here then why is BO spending so much money to quash these suits? Why not simply release the Hawaii birth certificate and put this squabble to rest in five minutes? Is there a legitimate Hawaii birth certificate? Where are the hospital records? What are you afraid of Barry? McCain has released his in the past. BO's intransigence on this issue is fueling the rampant conspiracy theories about his true location of birth. Instead of villifying those who perpetuate these claims, why not shine the light of truth on your actual country of birth and quiet the clamoring? Methinks thou dost protest too much.

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