Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Profile This!

Profiling has nothing to do with race or religion. It is a rational, intelligent approach to dealing with threat patterns and probabilities to try to prevent bad things from happening. And it works, just ask the Israeli's. We spoiled Americans seem to think that the Constitution protects us from ever being embarrassed, inconvenienced or offended. It does not, that's part of life in a society with other people. If some of it is necessary to prevent people from being injured and killed, then so be it. Good grief, grow up and start acting like adults instead of three year-old brats.

Monday, December 28, 2009

What We Must Do

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Colorado Springs, Colorado

I believe that the Congress and Obama Administration have profoundly underestimated the groundswell of grassroots opposition to this illegal, unconstitutional monstrosity called a federal health care reform bill. If this bill passes, it may become the proverbial line in the sand, the final straw that breaks the camel’s back, the crossing of the Rubicon, the burning of the ships and bridges, the shot heard round the world. This could be an 1860 moment in history. We are fast approaching a critical mass of opposition to the slide away from our constitutional moorings that began under Woodrow Wilson and accelerated under Franklin Roosevelt. The disrespect and utter contempt that our current ‘public servants’ display for the Constitution, the rule of law and the people who still adhere to the Constitution’s tenets is unparalleled. In my lifetime I have never seen such condescending, flippant attitudes toward our heritage and the body politic. It chills me to the bone.

In short, the Constitution simply does not allow this bill and at least 57% of the American people say they don’t want it. Do our ‘leaders’ give credence to either, much less both realities? No, they spit upon the Constitution and in the eyes of the people they serve, who put them where they are and pay their salaries. Hell must have a special place reserved for such as these. They are not fit to ‘serve.’ They should be removed from office immediately, if not imprisoned for violation of the Supreme Law of the Land. Mark my words, with God as my witness a day of reckoning is coming. A sleeping giant is awakening. We have endured the intentional erosion of our God-given freedoms and liberties by our federal government longer than any people should have to and remain obedient. Our very Declaration of Independence proclaimed that mankind is more inclined to suffer abuses as long as they are sufferable rather than take drastic action to right them and perhaps alter or throw off an abusive government and form a new one. But, it warns that when such abuses become so egregious and long-standing then people have not only a right but a duty to take such action as is necessary to alter or abolish the offending government and institute such changes or new form of government as is necessary to redress the injustices. The patience of the American people is growing strained and thin.

Many pundits tell us that we should direct our remedial anger to the ballot box; throw the bad seed out and replace them with better politicians. Sadly, we have been trying this for over 200 years and the situation only grows more dire with each passing election. The federal behemoth has taken on a life all its own, consuming well-meaning politicians and amassing more power unchecked and unhindered by the tinkering of elected officials who quickly come and go. It overruns checks and balances, ignores constitutional restraints and intimidates the states into submission while it sucks out their very sustenance; bringing everyone and everything under its control. There is hardly any nook or cranny of existence that the federal government does regulate, control or tax. This was explicitly not the intent of the framers. The federal government was to have a few specific enumerated powers necessary for the good of all the people and states, but very limited and constrained by Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution. The states, on the other hand were to be the laboratories of democracy. They wrote the Constitution that created the federal government for their benefit and to serve their purposes, not vice versa. They are not mere political subdivisions of the federal government. They are the sovereign governing bodies with the most power; being closer to the people they serve. It is ludicrous for the federal government to dare think that it can order them around, trample their authority and direct them to raise taxes and spend money against their will. But that is exactly what has happened. With the clarity of the 10th Amendment I cannot for the life of me understand why the states have cowered so before the federal altar. No doubt it is due in large part to the boatloads of money (that ironically comes out of the pockets of taxpayers in the several states) that the federal government dangles in front of the states, asking only in return their complicity and acquiescence to unlimited federal power. It is time for the states to reassert their supremacy and return the federal government to its appropriate constitutional role. We must remind those in Washington that they serve by the consent of the governed, not in spite of them. The federal government must once again have a healthy fear of the states and the people it serves instead of the people fearing the federal government. A letter from a citizen to an elected servant should strike infinitely more fear in their hearts than a letter to a citizen from the Internal Revenue Service.

If ballots are ineffective in bringing about the needed change, what other means do we have at our disposal? First of all, surely not bullets as was the case in 1860. Then how about defunding the government? Well, the people lost the power to defund the government by withholding our ‘voluntary’ income tax payments when, during World War II a temporary, emergency process was instituted requiring employers to withhold and send in tax payments automatically on behalf of their employees to insure a continuing stream of money into federal coffers to fund the war effort. Apparently, word of the end of the war in 1945 has not yet reached Washington, as this ‘temporary, emergency’ measure is still in force. Word to the wise, a federal program once begun never ends. The next closest thing to immortality after personal salvation is a federal program. Additionally, I seriously doubt that enough companies would band together and withhold the payments to make any sort of dent in the revenue or statement to the elected officials. And don’t look to the federal courts for any help. In my opinion federal judges, including Supreme Court justices are merely political appointees with personal agendas ensconced for life and accountable to no one. Then what about civil disobedience? Would enough doctors refuse to participate in this health reform fiasco to make a difference? Would enough people or companies or states refuse to participate to make a statement? Would enough companies refuse to participate in Cap &Trade to make it null and void? How would such movements be organized and implemented? What would be the federal government’s response? No one really knows. It would seem that given the history of our separation from England, the writing of the Constitution and the formation of the federal government, we should direct our hope to the states. After all, the 10th Amendment clearly gives all powers not specifically allocated to the federal government to the states. If the framers had intended for the Constitution to be a blank check of power to the federal government (Article 1, Section 8 notwithstanding), then why a 10th Amendment? The answer, of course is that they never intended for the federal government to amass such power and control over the day-to-day lives, fortunes and businesses of the American people. They would never have dreamed that the reach of this central government they had created would become so all encompassing. To safeguard any such eventuality they spelled out the specific powers it was to possess in the body of the Constitution and then added an additional safeguard in the 10th Amendment, ensuring that the states would have the final say in the unlikely event the federal government were to attempt to overstep its bounds. The ultimate expression of state power is the constitutional amendment, the only legitimate path to altering the express or implied meaning of the Constitution. I believe that the framers thought that the federal government would have such respect for the supremacy and almost sanctity of the Constitution and fear of the people that it would never dream of grossly overstepping its authority. This belief was based upon the idea that a representative democracy such as this could only function successfully if the population was informed, engaged and moral. Sadly the liberal control of education over the last 50-60 years has resulted in a pathetic misunderstanding of our nation’s history, heritage, economic and political structure within a large segment of our population. One only has to look at the behavior of our politicians over the last decades to realize that any moral foundation has been utterly lost. In addition, the blurring of lines between political parties and the feeling of a single person’s helplessness in the face of a gigantic federal juggernaut has instilled a pervasive apathy (until very recently) across the electorate.

Is sufficient time left for the people to organize and seize the reins of their state governments so as to reassert their rightful power over the runaway federal government under the aegis of the 10th Amendment? Or have we already passed the point of no return down the slippery slope to socialism, decay and demise? Only the passage of the next few years will tell. There are signs that people are beginning to awaken to the reality of what is happening. History tells us only about 2% of the American colonists actively supported the Revolution. That would be about 6 million people today, fewer by far than listen to Rush Limbaugh alone in a week. The hope for the survival of the Republic and a future for our children and grandchildren hang on these. We must encourage them to educate and enlist others in this fight. We must peacefully resist the illegal encroachments of the federal government when and where possible. We must organize and move to nudge or take control of state governments to reassert their constitutional power and authority. This is a fight we cannot and must not lose, for as John Adam’s character in “1776” ponders;

“Is anybody there?

Does anybody care?

Does anybody see what I see?”

May God save and bless the Constitution and Republic of the United States of America.

When You Gotta Go!

If you can't get out of your seat for the last hour on a plane, can you pee in the airsick bag?

A Christmas Eve Prayer

The little altar had gone up alongside a street not far from my home sometime in the spring of 2009. I remember glancing over the article in the paper about a single car accident late one night. Two college-age young men were thrown from the car, the passenger died at the scene and the driver suffered serious, but survivable injuries. Out late partying, I don’t know if alcohol was a factor, not wearing seat belts, driving too fast; a momentary mistake and one young life ends tragically and the other must live the rest of his life with the memory that he is responsible for his friend’s death. According to the article the boy who died had been a local high school track star, played hockey and had just started his college studies at a local university.
As the weeks went by friends and family added to the growing altar. A large plastic-covered picture of the boy in his hockey jersey appeared. A wooden cross with his name and the two dates defining his short life inscribed on it was set into the ground. Then pair of track shoes painted gold were hung on the cross. A large rock with names and messages from friends was placed at its base. Over time flowers both real and artificial came and went. Stuffed teddy bears adorned the shrine. He obviously had meant much to many people. As the months turned into fall and winter approached the weather took its toll on the various items arranged around the altar. By Christmas Eve only the cross, bent somewhat by the wind and the rock remained as a reminder to his existence.
I was driving home from the bank about noon on Christmas Eve, mad at myself, mad at God, mad at the government, mad at the economy—and mad for being mad on Christmas Eve. The year 2009 had not been a good one financially. Our incomes were down, business revenue was down and debts were mounting. This at a time I was looking at having several teenagers approaching college soon. Repairs were desperately needed around the house and for the cars. In fact, one of the cars really needed to be replaced fairly soon. Trying to have a decent Christmas, buy food and pay bills were all weighing heavily on my shoulders on the eve of this the happiest day of the year. At that moment I passed the little altar on the side of the road and noticed a pick-up truck parked nearby. A middle-aged woman was bent over straightening out the cross and placing some fresh flowers around its base. No doubt his mother, contemplating her first Christmas without her son and the many Christmases yet to come without him and the children he might have had.
At that moment I was overtaken with a crystal clear revelation of life and Christmas that put my problems and anger into an appropriate perspective. The tears welled up in my eyes and came rolling out uncontrollably. I began to weep for this woman and her family and the loss they had suffered. I was also weeping for my pettiness over my perceived losses. Her loss was real and permanent while my losses were minor and fleeting. Compared to a life money has no real value, it is temporary, it comes and goes. It is something that with time and hard work you can replace many times over. Her son can never be replaced here on planet Earth. I said a silent prayer for the mother and her family, for peace and comfort in the hope of some day being reunited with the young man. I also said a prayer for me and my family, apologizing for my selfish attitude. I asked God for help in our present economic difficulties, but also asked him to help me keep a proper perspective on my life and family and our problems and blessings relative to real hurt and suffering in the world.
God has a way of finding just the right time and place and message for getting our attention to make a point right when we need it most. In our busy lives I think that we are sometimes waiting for a bright, loud magnificent proclamation from God to get our attention and speak into our lives. In doing so, we risk missing the many little whispers and subtle nudges of the Holy Spirit trying to steer us in the right direction. In the coming year I will certainly be working hard and praying hard to provide for my family and give as much to help the less fortunate in our midst as I possibly can. And I will also be praying that I never forget the sight of the woman bending over the little cross by the side of the road and what a profound message from God I heard that day.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Call It What It Is

Standing in a garage does not make one a car; and sleeping in the White House does not make one a President.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

U.S. Constitution, Article 2, Section 4

"The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors."

Paging Senators Nelson, Landrieu...

Monday, December 21, 2009

R.I.P America

Our representative republic is dead.
The Constitution is null and void.
We have no legitimate federal government.
God help us.

A Taxing Dilemma

Every penny taken out of taxpayers' pockets by the federal government should be done so with great fear and trembling.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Don't Watch the Man Behind the Curtain


Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The Three Stooges

Barry, Harry & Nancy; our three stooges are determined to remake America in the form of a big version of Cuba. At least Fidel admits that he is a communist. We are becoming a nation of lazy, whining, selfish slobs.

“I want free federal health care and I want my neighbor to pay for it.”

“I want a federal retirement program and I want my neighbor to pay for it.”

“I want a federal housing subsidy and I want my neighbor to pay for it.”

“I want federal food stamps and I want my neighbor to pay for them.”

“I want the federal government to take care of my kids and I want my neighbor to pay for it (in addition to their kids).”

“I want subsidized transportation and I want my neighbor to pay for it.”

“I want the federal government to tell my boss to pay me more.”

And on, and on, and on. Sounds like three year-olds. If they were my kids I would spank them. That’s right spank.

How did we get to this place? Is this why the Pilgrims came across a deadly sea on a tiny ship? To get food stamps and Social Security? Silly me, I thought they came for freedom and individual opportunity.

Bill Buckley was right when he lamented that when the middle class realizes that it can vote itself subsidies from the public treasury, we are then doomed.

The Constitution is in shreds and the concept of a nation of laws not of men has been jettisoned. We have an MTV/American Idol buffoon for a president all dressed up like Santa Claus. The problem is that he is really just a Chicago street thug taking goodies out of your sack to give to his adoring followers. In the good old days we recognized that for what it really is; theft. And we knew how to deal with it; prison.

So the three stooges do their comedy routines in front of the cameras to distract Americans while the country burns to the ground. I can’t quite decide if we are watching Rome burn while Barry piddles or if this is 1789 France. Let’s just pray that we all come to our senses before heads roll.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The Constitution According to Obama


We, The Thirteen States of The Original Colonies of The New World in America;

Hereby establish this Constitution creating a federal government of the United States of America.

It can do whatever it damn well pleases.




New Jersey





South Carolina

New Hampshire


New York

North Carolina

Rhode Island

Thursday, December 03, 2009

Heads Up Senators

To Senators Kyle & McConnell,

I and many other conservatives believe that this health bill must be opposed in its entirety on constitutional grounds. Quite simply, the federal government has no constitutional power or authority to be involved in health care delivery or regulation or the provision or regulation of health insurance. This would include the current bill before the senate as well as MediCare/MediCaid. (And Social Security and a federal minimum wage; but those are battles for another day) To argue any less is tantamount to an admission that the Constitution is null and void and we are no longer a nation of laws but now rather of men. This will ultimately lead to tyranny and anarchy. These issues are rightly reserved to the States, barring a constitutional amendment. Seeing no amendment movement on the horizon the federal government must cease and desist from this illegal pursuit. Surely someone in the D.C. vacuum must realize that these activities contribute greatly to the current 71% mistrust level of the federal government among the People. Mark my words, a movement is brewing based upon the 10th Amendment, the States and the People to retake our federal government and reinstate the Constitution, with or without the cooperation of the Congress, President and Courts. The People and the States created the federal government to serve them, not dominate and oppress them. We expect our creation to obey the rules that we set out for it in the Constitution, to the letter. So very much of what the federal government does and spends today falls outside of its Constitutional authority. Understand, the People have had enough of it. This is the proverbial line in the sand. May God bless and save the Republic and the Constitution.

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Just in Time for Christmas!

The Bowing Barry Inaction Figure!
Just wind it up and he bows to everybody and does absolutely nothing.
While supplies last!
From zer-O toys.