Friday, April 16, 2010

The Path to Tyranny: Federal Dollars=Federal Mandates

Surprise, surprise, surprise. I wake up the morning after Tea Party Tax Day to read, shazam; god-emperor Barry has issued another mandate. Hospitals (private businesses) that accept insurance payments on behalf of patients from Medicare/Medicaid must now allow visitation and other rights to partners of homosexual patients. Now, some hospitals already do that. Also, I am not personally opposed to such policies. What I am opposed to is a President (or any other government representative) telling private businesses what their policies must be simply based upon the fact that they have received insurance payments from a government health care insurance fund. What’s next, dictating the color of the carpet in the hospital lobby? Does Blue-Cross/Blue-Shield have the same authority to dictate policy to hospitals accepting their payments? I don’t think so. Gee, if I buy a television at Best Buy can I now have them change the color of their employee’s shirts to something more to my liking? These same federal policies permeate all of society, from colleges and universities that accept federal grants or students on federal loans to states which accept federal transportation dollars and must set their speed limits in accordance with federal dictates. How did this all get started?

More importantly, how do we end it? The writing on the wall is becoming crystal clear. This is the path to tyranny. The federal government does not have to pass legislation in the light of day to destroy our freedoms and liberties and impose totalitarian control over every aspect of society. It merely has to subtly and gradually lure every person and every institution into accepting a little federal financial help and before we know it they have their hooks in everything and control it all. That is why Barry is raising taxes, destroying the economy, taking over businesses and passing all of these bailouts. When everyone becomes so strapped that they can’t survive without some kind of government assistance, we take their help and, boom; we are theirs. They can now dictate all sorts of insanity without even having to debate it in Congress and pass laws subject to judicial review. We then have tyranny; totalitarian control over every aspect of society.

We must not only stop this process now, but roll it back. This whole notion that accepting some government money somehow relinquishes control of your business or life to the feds is nonsense and must be squashed. A private business defines its products, services and policies and then says to consumers, ‘If you like what we have and do then come do business with us. If you don’t you are free to take your business elsewhere. But don’t tell me how to run my business. The market will do that.’

Here’s a mandate for Barry and his regime; go straight back to Chicago, do not pass Go and do not collect $200.

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