Tuesday, April 27, 2010

To Catch a Thief

To see our exalted elected servants grilling executives from Goldman-Sachs for possible financial malfeasance is either high comedy or unprecedented hypocrisy. Probably both. Those in the federal government who are responsible, either directly or indirectly for the Goldman Sachs irregularities which might amount to a few billion dollars; are themselves directly responsible for egregious mishandling of public funds to the tune of trillions and trillions of dollars. Yet they puff and preen before the sniveling cameras about these horrid atrocities at Goldman Sachs and others and feign shock and disgust while demanding that justice be done for the good of the people. However, we are expected to look the other way while our paychecks and our kids’ and grandkids’ future livelihoods are ransacked to cover the profligate spending of this Congress and Regime. Pardon me—reaching for airsick bag.
First, isn’t the SEC (a federal government entity) supposed to watch over and regulate these financial entities to protect the people from these sorts of mishaps? That is unless they are too busy watching porn on their government computers during office hours when they are supposed to be protecting us. And doesn’t Congress oversee the SEC? That is unless they are too busy filming porn in their Congressional offices. Adds new meaning to the term ‘watchdog.’
Second, didn’t Chris Dodd, Barney Frank and the CEO’s of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (just to mention a few) create this whole financial mess by their dictates to banks about lending requirements and then the bundling and reselling of worthless loan packages? We and Goldman Sachs and many others are where we are today directly because of the malfeasance and misguided directives of the federal government. To see them now berating and threatening executives of these financial institutions that were brought down by such federal policies reeks of historic hubris (everything in this Regime is historic don’t you know). Pot, kettle, black.
Finally, the most egregious financial malfeasance going on today is the federal budget, the deficit and the national debt. That is strictly the responsibility of the Congress and the Regime. They have heaped on trillions of dollars of new debt in a ridiculously short period of time, placing our very national economy and credit worthiness in dire jeopardy while saddling multiple future generations with debt that they cannot possibly ever repay, much less service the interest. Greece’s credit rating has just been reduced to junk status, are we next? If this does not amount to a high crime, or at least a misdemeanor then just exactly what would? Good grief, we put Martha Stewart in prison for peanuts! These federal con artists should be pounding rocks at Leavenworth for many, many years.
No matter how you slice it, our federal and private financial mess is a direct result of the intentional behavior of elected and other public servants. They should be held personally accountable and responsible for the disaster. No Congressional or Executive immunity. Impeach the whole rotten lot them and throw them in the clink for a long, long time!

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