Thursday, June 03, 2010

Hey Paul, Does Obama REALLY Know What a Library Is?

So Paul McCartney thinks that Barack Obama really knows what a library is. Based upon what? Of course, we've been told since this whole rigamarole began how smart Barry is. Based upon what? Well...he says so. Just trust us.
Based upon what he's said and done since taking office a good case could be made that he is as dumb as a stump. If he is so smart then let's see his school transcripts. Other presidents have released theirs. How come this Einstein-in-Chief won't allow his grades to be released. What does he have to fear? Let's see those straight-A's!
Perhaps things are not as they seem, or as they would like us to believe. Maybe he's just average, or God-forbid, below average. Maybe he went through school on an affirmative action program, not his smarts. Well, inquiring minds want to know. And he's not talking. Which adds to the mystery. People who act like they have something to hide...usually do. People with nothing to hide, well have nothing to hide. Or possibly, his school records might show something adverse about his citizenship, or his parents. We don't really know at this point, which just adds fuel to the rumor mill fires. He could put out those fires by simply releasing his transcripts. Or just maybe, that would fan the flames of those fires.
And so we wait. And wait. And wait.

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