Monday, September 27, 2010


If you have a weak stomach for the truth then you might just want to skip this post.
If you proceed you have been warned.
We are told repeatedly by the lame stream media that Barack Obama is certainly the smartest President in the history of our republic.  We are told that he is the most ardent communicator ever. 
Well, I think I smell a rat.
If this imposter is so smart why has he not permitted his undoubtedly stellar school transcripts to be released?  Modesty?   Please!  If this guy's grades were really all that outstanding they would have run off several million copies and would be throwing them out of airplanes by now. 
First black president of the Harvard Law Review.  How convenient. 
Great orator?  Without his precious teleprompter he can't string together a simple grammatically correct English sentence.  That monotone sing-song delivery puts me to sleep within two minutes.  And who told him that your inflection is supposed to go up at the end of every sentence?  Good grief!  Ronald Reagan has nothing to fear.
Genius?  Just listen to him answer off-prompter questions which were not submitted for review in advance.  Pathetic.  He becomes totally incoherent.
I get the sense that he really has no interest in actually governing.  He has no knowledge or interest in foreign policy or affairs. 
Now the tough part. 
I firmly believe that he is our first affirmative action President.  Someone who was intentionally slid through the system with less than mediocre credentials just for this moment in time.  No wonder the liberals and progressives are cheering him.  This is what they have pushing on us for the last 50 years.  Finally success!  Affirmative action taken to the pentultimate culmination! 
And for what purpose?
Now it gets really dicey here.
I think that Obama was put (yes, put) into the Presidency under these circumstances to coerce, and perhaps shame the country into agreeing to de facto reparations for slavery by a variety of income redistribution schemes including the tax code, various entitlement programs, ridiculous stimulus spending, health care reform and cap and trade, to name a few.  And that's it.  He really has no other purpose and has no other interests.  If it takes one term, fine.  It might take two.  He really has no say it and frankly couldn't care less.  He and Michelle are just along for the ride and the bennies.  What a scam!
Well, the country is waking up to this farce of an administration and are about to pull the rug out!  The jig is up!
Mr. Obama, what does your teleprompter have to say about that?

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