Monday, September 22, 2008

There is No There There

Junior, part-time Senator Barack Hussein Obama is the emperor who has no clothes. He is an empty suit with no original thoughts who quite frankly is not really all that bright. All his life other people have told him how smart and special he is. And sadly he believed them. Throughout his college years, his time at Harvard law school and his short, unproductive political career people have been whispering sweet nothings in his ear and ushering him through the system. These unseen forces were simply using his attractive facade for their ulterior motives. Unfortunately, he believed the siren song and now is trying to fly on his own. But the jig is up. Whenever he is off script his true inner self breaks through and reveals that there is nothing there. He is bitter, angry and mean. Why else would he tell his supporters to get in the opposition's face and argue. That's a presidential political strategy to win over the undecides? Obama is the evil counterpart to Peter Seller's character Chance the Gardner in Being There. He is a puppet cut loose from its master's strings and run amok. The people behind the scenes who put Obama up to this charade for their own sinister ends have lost control of their puppet. It's a train wreck just waiting to happen. Let's just hope that he derails before the election. His election would be a disaster for this nation and could lead to consequences too horrible to fathom.

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