Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Wake Up!

A country that permits abortion and bans incandescent light bulbs cannot be called free, democratic and sane. The American sheeple have surrendered their constitutional rights to a federal government run amok. It is recklessly out of control and no longer gives even a passing nod to the specific constitutional restraints that are supposed to absolutely control and limit its powers. Discussion of constitutionally limited government in D.C. leads to rolling of the eyes and polite snickers and sneers amongst the brie and Chablis ruling elites. They view the Constitution as that old piece of paper over in the National Archives that tourists gawk at. It is an arcane, ancient document with no real relevance in today's enlightened society. How in the world could something like that stop them from doing whatever they choose? Ban light bulbs, pay for abortions, bail out private companies, steal private property, squash speech, relegate their religion to the shadows and for God's sake take away their guns! Who or what is to stop us? The Constitution? Piffle! It is up to the People and the States to reassert their rightful power and bring this madness to an abrupt end. We are already well down the road to a socialist debacle that our Founder's never dreamed possible. Our very survival as a nation is at stake. Turn off your cell phones, iPods and TV's. Roll up your sleeves and let's get to work before we pass the point of no return. May God have mercy upon us all.

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