Friday, October 03, 2008

Is Anybody There, Does Anybody Care, Does Anybody See What I See?

On the Third Day of October in the Year of our Lord Two Thousand & Eight,
At one o’clock in the afternoon, Mountain Daylight Time;

With the flourish of his pen President Bush dissolved the political bands which have connected this federal government to the Constitution which formed it. What was for over two centuries is no more. The United States of America no longer exists in the form into which we born. Our elected servants have jettisoned our Constitutionally based representative Republic and what will replace it is anyone’s guess. All that can be said is that our freedoms, liberties and Constitutional protections have vanished before our very eyes today. The constraints placed upon the federal government by Article 1, Section 8 of the now defunct U.S. Constitution have been nullified and tossed out with the rest of the document. Truly we are now sailing dangerous stormy seas with no rudder. We don’t even have a skiff made of paper.
Who will constitute the new government to replace the one which just passed away? When will it be created? What form of government will it be? Our best guess based upon the private market take-over bill that was enacted today is that it will be a socialist collective state. No doubt people of a liberal redistributionist mindset will seek to form and control the new government. Beyond that we cannot speculate at this time. The coup d’etat is still too fresh in our minds.
One must surmise that all of the laws and institutions of the old government are now null and void. The federal court system, Social Security, federal income taxation and the Internal Revenue Service no longer actually exist. Who now commands our military assets and personnel? These are sobering questions which must be quickly and thoughtfully resolved so as to attempt to maintain peace and order among the people.
The next few months and years will be a time of uncertainty and ideological struggle among the differing factions within the populace as we attempt to find our way in the dark with no light, save the One from Heaven to guide us. Let us fervently pray for peace and wisdom to prevail during the coming conflict. As we look forward to a new government we should pause to look back and reflect upon the guidance of those who formed our first government upon this continent. While we have now tossed out their handiwork it would seem prudent to a least feign deference to their collective knowledge and wisdom to inform us. The States, which formed the first federal government now hold the highest power in the land and they must act collectively in the best interests of the People to maintain stability and lay the framework for a new federal government, if they so choose.
May God have mercy upon us all.

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