Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Klaatu Barata Nikto

The robot man is coming! Yes, the debate last night was dreadfully dull. The blame falls squarely on Tom Brokaw. The questions were a repeat of the last debate and totally uninspired or revealling. This was nothing but a series of campaign television commercials. It was a rerun of the first debate. We learned nothing new about the candidates, their lives and experiences and background. Barack I swear looks like a robot doll that you pull a string in his back and he flatly recites a list of boring platitudes. That man never smiles, laughs or even blinks. He has no emotion or passion. He never even attempts to crack a joke or slip in a sly one-liner. You look into his eyes and there is nothing there. He is utterly soulless. And if you listen to his reasoning on the topic of babies born alive after botched abortions you realize that he is not just soulless, but sinister. Why couldn't we have some discussion of abortion, immigration, judicial nominees, gay marriage or gun rights? Why not some insight into the candidates' personal backgrounds, the things that inform and motivate and inspire them? Couldn't we hear about their greatest successes, failures and fears? What have they learned in life and what are their core values and beliefs? What is their overarching vision for the future of America in the world? I have been watching exerpts from the speeches of Ronald Reagan of late. No matter the topic of the talk he always seems to come back to the idea that our government Of, By and For the people exists to serve the people, at the pleasure of the people. He exorts that the people do not serve the government and the government must not abuse it's position granted by the people. He believed in minimal taxes only as needed to fund the absolute necessary functions of government; that the government should protect the people, and otherwise get off their backs and out of their way so that they can flourish and live their lives to the fullest extent. He believed in the basic greatness of America and its people and that our best days are ahead. He believed that we are the beacon of hope in a dark world, that shining city on a hill. And it wasn't phony or corny, people really related to his vision. He made us believe in ourselves and our neighbors. He made us feel good about America. We would get that chill up the spine and tear in the eye when the flag and the troops paraded by while playing the National Anthem. He wasn't a policy wonk, he was a visionary. That is the true role of a leader. The President is not a corporate manager, he hires them to get his things done. He casts the vision and then sells it to the American people. I believe that the American people are desparately hunger for that kind of leader. John McCain are you listening? Are you hearing?

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