Saturday, October 04, 2008

Wake Up! The Empty Suits are Coming!

The fact that Barack Hussein Obama has garnered more than 20% of the national vote is a sad commentary on the state of our country and people. This hollow, neo-communist street hoodlum from Chicago should never have even made it onto a national ticket. That he has beguiled millions into following his bizarre, dangerous and reckless radical left agenda speaks volumes about the deleterious effects of 40-odd years of sub-par public education. People just don't know what they don't know. The class warfare strategy has turned friends and neighbors into jealous enemies and turned people against the very businesses and institutions that provide the income to fuel their lifestyles. The cult of greed has overtaken far too many of us. William F. Buckley, Jr. once said that when the people of the middle class discover that they can vote themselves largess from the public treasury the country is doomed. We are nearly there. Barack's ascendence on the national political scene is a frightening harbinger of things to come. The more sinister reality is that he is not the primary architect of this movement, but rather a hapless pawn in this deadly chess game. The dark forces behind the scenes pulling his puppet strings and plotting the strategy are those who must ultimately be reckoned with. On fundamental issues of governance, the economy and morals this country must find wide-ranging agreement if we are to survive. A house divided cannot stand. Let's hope saner heads prevail before we pass the point of no return.

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