Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Stop...Or I'll Yell Stop Again!

So a state judge (Colorado) threw out some CU students’ challenge to the CU Regents of their ban on concealed handgun carry on CU campuses on a technicality. Well, maybe it was. But the bigger question of concealed carry on college campuses remains a valid issue. Yes, I’ve heard the libs argument that poorly trained civilians don’t fare well in staged classroom gun fight scenarios. And maybe they don’t. But one thing is for sure, I have a better chance of defending myself if I am armed than not. But beyond being a deadeye shot the idea of having any number of secretly armed people in classrooms and on campuses creates a potential deterrent uncertainty in the mind of a bad guy seeking a last instant of fame. Why do you think they pick schools to stage these massacres in the first place? They know there will be virtually no opposition. But what if there just happens to be a highly experienced competition marksman carrying a gun on campus? Hmmmm, maybe somewhere else. It’s a combination of the deterrent effect and the potential of really getting taken out before doing any harm that would tend to stifle these attacks. Why don’t they go on rampages at police stations? If guns don’t have this effect why do we arm law enforcement officers with guns instead of spit wads?

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