Sunday, November 09, 2008

Nothing Succeeds Like Success

If I hear one more person tell me that I must, without preconditions come together and unite behind Obama and pray for the success of his administration I swear I am going to put a drill in my ear. Just what would success look like? If he succeeds in doing what he said that he wants to it will be the end of our republic, freedoms and Constitution, as we know them. I will not and cannot hope for that brand of change. Certainly I pray that no misfortune befalls him or his family, but I must pray that his stated plans come to nothing. Those plans must be opposed and defeated at every turn. I will pray for the successful survival of our nation through his one-term (God-willing) foray on the Presidential stage. Hopefully no external force will prevail against us, though rumblings in the Middle East, Russia and Venezuela don’t bode well. Likewise I pray that no internal mischief rears its head during this term. Our economic, cultural and institutional foundations should be strong enough to endure four years of Jimmy Carter redux, and then some; barring some catastrophic event. So let’s pray against catastrophic events and for 41 ‘no’ votes in the Senate.

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