Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Obama's Thugs Have Come Home to Roost

If another person tells me what a brilliant and formidable politician B.O. is I swear I will put a drill in my other ear. I have been hearing comparisons to F.D.R., J.F.K. and even Ronald Reagan in the media. Good grief! This guy is an empty suit and an empty head. You get him away from his handlers, speechwriters and teleprompter and he is a bumbling dunce. He can't put together a coherent sentence. No, it is the wealthy, powerful, radically sinister people behind him who have been shepherding him through his short, uneventful political career that I fear. People like George Soros, Michael Moore, William Ayers and the like. These people are merely using him as their puppet for their diabolical agenda. The entire den of vipers must be exposed and defeated in order to save the republic.

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