Monday, November 17, 2008

The Wedding is Over, Time to Toss the Rice

So Secretary of State Rice thinks that the election of B.O. is a good thing. (Speech in Houston, 11/16/08) A great triumph for her African-American people. Never mind the fact that it's a disaster for all American people. She thinks that it's time for new faces and new ideas. Well, that I can agree with. She has been a disappointment as S.O.S. along with many other milquetoast members of the Bush administration. Big spending Democrat lite, that's us. This philosophy has infected the Republican party and is responsible for our recent losses. She also pined for comprehensive immigration reform (read: Amnesty, path to citizenship for 20 million illegal aliens and 20 million new Obama votes in 2012; and 100 million new votes in 10 years as they bring in their families and relatives). She whined that we need to get over our anti-immigration mindset, quit fearing people unlike us and making them live in the shadows (while sucking up free health care, education, housing, food, etc.). Why have elections anymore? McCain and B.O. are already chatting each other up to ram through as much of this nonsense as possible. (In a bipartisan manner, you understand) We true conservatives must put the Republican party on notice that the nomination process for 2012 will not be by primary, but by coup if necessary.

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