Monday, November 24, 2008

Belly Up To The Bar

To the Congress of the United States of America,
I would like to formally apply for a $1,000,000.00 personal bailout. This amounts to only 0.000013513% of the total $7.4 trillion committed federal bailout money to date. This bailout will allow me to stabilize my personal finances and remain solvent while I continue to make my mortgage and other debt payments. That in turn will help prevent these institutions from going under and requiring further federal assistance. In addition I will be able to continue my federal income tax payments to fund your $7.4 trillion bailout of these institutions.
God Bless America!

Get Thee Behind Me satan!

Christianity is not a suicide pact with the devil.

Cutting Noses To Spite Faces 101

"Cutting costs: Reducing wages of high-paid bosses could save local jobs
(Letter to the Editor, November 22, 2008)
In regard to the changes and layoffs due to the failure of the county sales tax issue, I have a suggestion. It is probably not going to happen, but if you took the 100 highest-salaried people in both the city and county governments, including M******l Hospital and Utilities, and reduced their salaries by 25 percent, they would still have very comfortable incomes, and it would help many of their co-workers keep their jobs.
With the economy down, I do not know why governments should not share in the slowdown, as the people affected are the people paying the salaries."

Yet another envy letter in the class-warfare rage so accelerated by the most recent election. I believe that this poisonous tone set by the election of Barack Obama will greatly eclipse any up tick in racism, real or perceived. His proposal comes with no hard numbers from any financial analysis or substantiation of any of his assertions. It is merely an uninformed knee-jerk response born of a ‘have’ vs. ‘have not’ mentality.

He does not tell us how much money would be saved by reducing the salaries of 100 people by 25% relative to the loss of revenues and budget shortfalls. Would it really make much difference at all? And his argument does not take into account how many people would leave and what the cost of replacing them and training the new employees would be. People who have based their lifestyles on a certain income are not going to just sit by and do nothing if that salary is arbitrarily reduced by 25%. Would he? An organization cannot attract, hire and hold on to quality people if it pays well below the prevailing market rates. If positions can be eliminated, then do so; but don’t try to hold on to people on the cheap. It won’t work. If you look into the budgets of the organizations referenced you will find that many cuts and changes have already taken place. These organizations and their employees are doing their part and feeling the pain, even though their financial plight is due to national and global economic realities totally beyond their control.
The most telling comment was his remark that after reducing these salaries by 25% he feels that these people would still have comfortable incomes. This idea that one person has the right and authority to determine would someone else ought to earn is downright heinous. This mindset has infected far too many in this country and it will do us in. People who study hard, work hard and take risks many times wind up doing very well financially. I don’t understand why people think that by punishing them all the rest are somehow magically benefited. If you kill the locomotive the train stops and everyone riding in the passenger cars get nowhere. Folks with disposable income invest some which creates and grows businesses thus leading to jobs for all the rest. Not to mention paying more taxes for government to dole out to others. They also spend some of that income on consumer goods, which again creates jobs for people who sell those products, manufacture those products and ship those products. If you take disposable income away from people who have earned it, you may be insuring your own unemployment in the process. A rising tide does indeed lift all boats, all of the liberal caterwauling to the contrary notwithstanding.

Friday, November 21, 2008

The Name's Not Bond, Not James Bond

Saw "Quantum of Solace" last Friday. It's a great action film. It's not a Bond film. This is two strikes now for this franchise. I'll give them one more chance to make a real Bond film and if not I am done with this bunch and will hit the DVD's.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

A Fixed Point of Reference

Can morality exist without God? Can there be absolute truths, good and bad, right and wrong without edicts from an Almighty? If not, who is to say which Almighty and which religious books we believe and follow? Hmmm, good questions. The answers should be even more interesting. Let’s think this through. For the sake of argument let’s stipulate that there is no God and no body of heavenly directives. When a group of people come to live in close proximity and form a society, human nature being what it is; there will be crime. Some people will take property from others and do bodily harm upon them. The victim will say to the aggressor that I don’t like that, it hurts me and it is wrong for you to do this. Yes, we can all agree that the victim doesn’t like it. We can also agree that it harms the victim. But, how do we say that it is wrong. Maybe the aggressor likes it, he gets a perverse satisfaction from the act and he is not harmed but rather rewarded with the stuff that he has stolen. He might say that what he did was not wrong, but very right for him. So how do we resolve this clash of right vs. wrong? Remember, there is no God or Bible and there are no laws yet. It’s just one person’s word and preference against another’s. So, the victim goes to his neighbors and exhorts them to band together to pass laws proscribing such behavior and punishing those who violate the laws. But, they ask; upon what basis do we make our decisions about which activities shall be deemed illegal and which shall not? Well, those activities which harm others should be illegal he responds. But the aggressor says that he was not harmed, but improved but his activities against you. So if we simply put to a vote of the people (pure democracy) it comes down to how many victims vs. aggressors happen to live in the society at the time of the vote. The determination of what is to be defined as right and wrong is merely left to the number of people lined up on either side. Too many aggressors and right is wrong and wrong is right, sort of. This is the tyranny of the majority over the minority in a pure democracy (devoid of a constitution or overarching set of guiding principles, e.g. The Holy Bible). Morality thus becomes relative and potentially ever-changing. A fixed point of reference that it always moving.
OK, we could say that only encounters and activities that harm neither party are allowed. If either or both parties are harmed the activity is illegal. We are now faced with defining harm. And we are now right back where we started from. How do we define harm? Remember, the aggressor in our scenario argues that he was not harmed. His concern for his victim is nil. If there are enough of these aggressors in the society, when the vote on the definition of harm comes, how do we think they will vote? We have made no progress.
Well, let’s look to our history and traditions for guidance. Oops, this is a new society with no historical tradition. Well some things are just so heinous that they are obviously wrong. Based upon your opinion that may be the case. And it may be the opinion of most members of society, but probably not all. And I would agree that some things are so bad that it just seems to make sense that they should be disallowed. But we are still relying upon the vote of the majority. It’s that tyranny of democracy thing again and such decisions don’t have real lasting power. They are relative and change over generations. It’s hard to order society when the targets keep getting moved around.
It’s beginning to look like we need some sort of outside supreme force to set some absolute truths and guardrails to guide our lawmaking process. These would be non-changing non-negotiable tenets. The only rules which meet those requirements that I know of come from God. But now we must decide whose God and which spiritual writings we accept. The good news here is that most of the recognized religions of the world have many similar absolute teachings on the basics of human life. That’s not to say that people and people groups over the years have not distorted and misapplied these teachings and caused harm to come to people. However, that is not a failing of the teachings but rather of human nature. That we sometimes abuse the doctrine does not indict or nullify the usefulness of the doctrine.
So I say that the only and best solution is for our society to select (yes by popular vote understanding the whole democratic tyranny thing but realizing that there really is no bad choice here for the reason stated in the last paragraph, whew) one of the religious doctrines, base their constitution and laws upon it and stick with it. Period. There really is no other rational choice. It’s the best path available to imperfect human beings in my opinion.
For the United States of America that choice is the Christian religion, derived from Judaism. These are the principles codified in our Declaration of Independence and Constitution.

Class is in Session

When conservatives talk about the federal judiciary and the importance of who appoints those judges I believe that we are shooting way over most people's heads. We talk about judicial activism, legislating from the bench, original intent and strict constructionists. Most folks hear our candidates talking like that and say, 'huh?' The liberals' candidates come out and talk about appointing judges who will use the law with compassion in order to help out the little guy and make things more fair for the average working stiff. Hurrah!, scream the masses. We are technically right and they win the election. Brilliant. Our discourse must be based upon an understanding that education has failed our people in the last 40 years. Most people voting today do not have a good grounding in their understanding of our history, heritage and workings of government. They just don't know how the courts work and why. They don't understand the constitution and how our freedoms, liberties and rights are established and protected and even why that is and should be so important to them. The concept of a large intrusive federal government simply does not frighten them. They see it as better able to give them more and do more for them. They don't understand why the Framers were so skittish about a strong central government and enamored with the idea of the States holding more power and authority. This is why so many people are confused about the role of the Electoral College and clamor for its abolition. I fear that far too many people believe that our rights come from the federal government. They don't realize that our founding documents clearly point out that the Founders believed that our rights come from God and the government is charged with the duty of protecting those rights. If rights come from government they can also be taken away by government. Rights conferred by God cannot be taken away by government. If government attempts to usurp our God-given rights it is then the right of the people to alter or abolish such a government. That's what the Declaration of Independence and the Revolutionary War were all about. We conservatives must assume the role of educating the American populace about these fundamental principles and functions of the federal government and courts. We must do this in an engaging fashion, meeting people on their level and explaining these things in ways that people can understand simply and apply directly to their daily lives. Only then can we make the case to the American people in elections that our candidates really do have the common man's best interests at heart. Ring the school bell!

Monday, November 17, 2008

The Wedding is Over, Time to Toss the Rice

So Secretary of State Rice thinks that the election of B.O. is a good thing. (Speech in Houston, 11/16/08) A great triumph for her African-American people. Never mind the fact that it's a disaster for all American people. She thinks that it's time for new faces and new ideas. Well, that I can agree with. She has been a disappointment as S.O.S. along with many other milquetoast members of the Bush administration. Big spending Democrat lite, that's us. This philosophy has infected the Republican party and is responsible for our recent losses. She also pined for comprehensive immigration reform (read: Amnesty, path to citizenship for 20 million illegal aliens and 20 million new Obama votes in 2012; and 100 million new votes in 10 years as they bring in their families and relatives). She whined that we need to get over our anti-immigration mindset, quit fearing people unlike us and making them live in the shadows (while sucking up free health care, education, housing, food, etc.). Why have elections anymore? McCain and B.O. are already chatting each other up to ram through as much of this nonsense as possible. (In a bipartisan manner, you understand) We true conservatives must put the Republican party on notice that the nomination process for 2012 will not be by primary, but by coup if necessary.

Thursday, November 13, 2008


  • It's time to celebrate America's first half-white president.
  • With the slide toward the all-encompassing nanny-state cradle-to-grave federal government I do believe that Barack Obama would like to come and hold my penis for me when I pee.
  • If 67 million people cast a foolish vote, it is still a foolish vote.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Hey Buddy, Get a Bucket and Bail!

Bail out Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, A.I.G., Wall Street, mortgage banks, insurance companies and now the auto manufacturers. The federal government has no constitutional authority to purchase ownership positions in private businesses. So I now own a portion of these companies, get the 'pleasure' of paying for their bailout but get no dividends or capital gains. Huh? Who is next? Starbucks' profits are down 97%, how about big coffee? When do I get bailed out? No, I will get stuck with the bill for these failing businesses that should be allowed to fail and be replaced. Actually, if Washington would get out of their lives they might be able to survive. It's these ridiculous regulations and unholy public/private partnerships that have lead to this sad state of affairs. This is nuts. The world turned upside down. Government of, by and for the C.E.O.'s. Heads up D.C., if this continues much longer the winds of revolution will begin blowing.

Obama's Thugs Have Come Home to Roost

If another person tells me what a brilliant and formidable politician B.O. is I swear I will put a drill in my other ear. I have been hearing comparisons to F.D.R., J.F.K. and even Ronald Reagan in the media. Good grief! This guy is an empty suit and an empty head. You get him away from his handlers, speechwriters and teleprompter and he is a bumbling dunce. He can't put together a coherent sentence. No, it is the wealthy, powerful, radically sinister people behind him who have been shepherding him through his short, uneventful political career that I fear. People like George Soros, Michael Moore, William Ayers and the like. These people are merely using him as their puppet for their diabolical agenda. The entire den of vipers must be exposed and defeated in order to save the republic.

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Nothing Succeeds Like Success

If I hear one more person tell me that I must, without preconditions come together and unite behind Obama and pray for the success of his administration I swear I am going to put a drill in my ear. Just what would success look like? If he succeeds in doing what he said that he wants to it will be the end of our republic, freedoms and Constitution, as we know them. I will not and cannot hope for that brand of change. Certainly I pray that no misfortune befalls him or his family, but I must pray that his stated plans come to nothing. Those plans must be opposed and defeated at every turn. I will pray for the successful survival of our nation through his one-term (God-willing) foray on the Presidential stage. Hopefully no external force will prevail against us, though rumblings in the Middle East, Russia and Venezuela don’t bode well. Likewise I pray that no internal mischief rears its head during this term. Our economic, cultural and institutional foundations should be strong enough to endure four years of Jimmy Carter redux, and then some; barring some catastrophic event. So let’s pray against catastrophic events and for 41 ‘no’ votes in the Senate.

Saturday, November 08, 2008

Signs of the Times

During the months leading up to the election we had the Obama Campaign Seal (an offshoot of the Presidential Seal). Now at his first press conference we have the sign of the Office of the President Elect. Is there also a sign for the Bathroom of the President Elect? How about an insignia for the BVD's of the President Elect? Does anyone see a pattern here? Dr. Phil call your office.

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Speaking of Birth Certificates...

OK. now that the election is over. let's have a look at that mysteriously sealed BHO Hawaiian birth certificate. Does it refute the claim of his paternal grandmother that she was present in the delivery room when he was born in Kenya, Africa? Is it a forgery? Are there matching records at any hospital in Hawaii? Let's clear the air of this once and for all. What's to hide or be afraid of?

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Obituary or Birth Certificate?

R.I.P. United States of America

Our 220 year experiment in constitutional republicanism is now drawing to a close. We face a ‘fundamental transformation’ into some vague poorly defined brave new world. After 40 years of pathetic public education and welfare payments we will now reap the results of government of the uninformed, by the uninformed and for the uninformed. The ‘something-for-nothing’ crowd has succeeded in selecting the most liberal, radical, socialist and inexperienced president in American history. The prospects for the safety and well-being of the ‘New America’ are chilling. Rather than uniting the country this election has the potential to be drastically polarizing, further accentuating the divide between producers and takers, haves and have-nots and, yes black and white. The Obama team constantly raised the race issue, while all the time claiming it was McCain. I do not believe that this issue is now settled, but rather heightened. I lost count of how many times I heard the chant, “He’s black, it’s our turn, we don’t care (or probably even know) what he stands for.” Unity my…as…k me later.

Please know that I have no intention of playing the dutiful role of ‘loyal opposition.’ The only thing that I am loyal to is Truth. I do however absolutely oppose the new administration. I firmly believe that Barack Hussein Obama is evil and evil must be vigorously opposed at every juncture. His personal belief about abortion and babies born alive after failed abortions is sufficient for me to clearly brand him as evil. No other issue is needed. And no other belief mitigates or negates that position. As such I must fight to utterly and completely politically destroy him and his policies as fast as I can. There is no virtue in dancing with the devil. While I pray for his and his family’s safety and that he would have a genuine transforming encounter with Christ, beyond that I must pray that his administration succeeds no more than the builders of Babel. The damage which could be done in the next few short years could take decades to undo, if at all. The legacy which he could leave in the federal judiciary will last for generations.

So who now protects and defends the Constitution?

Here is what we face:

-Further abridgement of the First Amendment: The ‘Fairness Doctrine’
-Further abridgement of the Second Amendment: Confiscatory taxes and registration requirements on the purchase and ownership of guns and ammunition with the intent of ultimately disarming the citizenry
-Abridgement of the Fourth Amendment: Unreasonable search and seizure and not being secure in our homes as witness the unprecedented assault on ‘Joe the Plumber’ and various media figures and outlets that dared to speak against the O
-No guarantee of life for unborn children and even children born alive after failed abortions
-Further Abridgement of the Fifth Amendment: The Kelo decision revisited?
-Further ignoring the Ninth and Tenth Amendments
-Open borders and unfettered illegal immigration leading to an invasion and assault upon our sovereignty and treasury of unparalleled proportions
-Gutting our national defense making us more vulnerable in a dangerous world
-Negotiating with and appeasing terrorists
-Socialist economic policies which will destroy the engine that pulls the train of prosperity
-An acceleration of the blatantly unconstitutional policies of the federal government including socialized healthcare, Medicare, Social In-security, a federal minimum wage and most federal programs and spending
-A federal judiciary filled with judges who legislate from the bench and shred the Constitution with no check or balance by the Congress and President

I hereby withdraw any allegiance, respect, loyalty and recognition for the new Obama administration, Congress and the federal judiciary. I consider myself a citizen of the ‘Old America’ living in exile within the borders of my sovereign state. Barack Hussein Obama is NOT MY President; he is the President of the thugs and hoodlums who elected him. I know; I stood on a major street corner last night waving McCain signs while carloads of young thugs and hoodlums drove by flipping us off and shouting obscenities about John McCain. These are the people you can thank for putting B.O. in the White House. Just another reason to raise the voting age to 25, and maybe require property ownership to vote, as well as not allowing people to vote who don’t pay taxes or receive welfare. Well, just a fleeting thought.

So, as our freedoms and liberties dissolve, wealth, business and jobs flee offshore, our enemies circle the wagons, the takers fleece the producers and the feds nationalize and bail out everything in sight; I urge the true American patriot remnant in exile to keep their collective powder dry. We once fought a war to overthrow tyranny and retain the right to do so again if, God forbid that is ever necessary. Short of that we must do everything within our power to retain and regain our Constitutional guarantees. And may God have mercy upon us all. God Bless you and God Bless America. God save the republic!

“Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God”
--Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin

Wednesday, November 05, 2008